Nā Kūlana Oxygen

  • Nernst N6000 Oxygenzer

    Nernst N6000 Oxygenzer

    Hiki ke hoʻopiliʻia nā hana Input:ʻO ka mea e pili ana i kahi mea e pili ana i kahi oxyzer e pili ana i kahi oxygen probe e hōʻike i nāʻike oxygen i ka manawa maoli.

    Loaʻa i ka mana ORPUL-channel-channel:ʻO ka mea hoʻopukapuka kālā he 4-20MA

    ʻO ka heluʻana:ʻO ka pae o ka oxygen i kauʻia he 10-38i 100% oxygen.

  • Nernst N2001 OXYENGANS

    Nernst N2001 OXYENGANS

    Hiki ke hoʻopiliʻiaʻo Gy Rayan Oxygenner:ʻO ka mea e pili ana i ka mea e pili ana i kahi oxygen i kahi oxygen e hōʻike i kaʻike o ka oxygen i ka manawa maoli.

    ʻO ka helu oxygen oxygen he 0 a 100% oxygen.

  • Nernsn n32-fzsx i hoʻohuiʻia i ka loiloi oxygen

    Nernsn n32-fzsx i hoʻohuiʻia i ka loiloi oxygen

    ʻO ka noiʻana o ka hoʻohanaʻana i ka NIRST N32-FZSX i hoʻohuiʻia i ka'ōlelo o ka oxygen e pili ana i ka huahana hoʻonohonoho hoʻonohonohoʻana. It can be widely used in the detection of oxygen content in the combustion process of various industries such as petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, electric power, and incineration. The Nernst N32-FZSX integrated oxygen analyzer can directly monitor the oxygen content in the flue gas of boilers, sintering furnaces, heating furnaces, etc. during or after combustion. Technical characteris...
  • Nerst N2032

    Nerst N2032

    ʻO ka mea kūʻai aku me ka Nersts o2/ CO PROBE hiki ke ana i ke ana i ka pakeneka oxygen o2% ma ka flue a me ka umu, ka waiwai o ka carbon monoxide co, ka waiwai o ka nui o ka hui i waena o ka manawa.

    Hōʻike kokeʻia 10-30~ 100% OXXYGEN INFESO a 0ppm ~ 2000PPM CO Carbon Monoxide MONOXDIDE.

  • Nerst np322 Portal Trace Oxygen loiloi

    Nerst np322 Portal Trace Oxygen loiloi

    ʻO ka papa o ka oxygen ma waena o 10-30i 100% oxygen.

    Ua loaʻa iā ia ka helu helu helu 4-20ma i kēia manawa a me ka piliʻana o ke kamaʻilio uila RSS i ka pūnaewele RS232 a iʻole ke kamaʻilioʻana me ka pūnaewele RS485.

  • Nerst o n2032 oxygen

    Nerst o n2032 oxygen

    Hiki i ke kāla o ka Oxygen oxy Jobyer: hoʻokahi 'ōlelo a me nā papaʻelua e mālama i nā kumukūʻai kaukau a hoʻomaikaʻi i ka hilinaʻi.

    ʻO ka papa o ka oxygen ma waena o 10-30i 100% oxygen.